Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

There are times in your life that you look around and wonder what decisions have led you to this moment. I had one of these moments today. I should start by saying Tyler and I are in Birmingham. We drove up last night to help our two best friends move. When looking at the weather channel on the way here last night I noticed that there was a 100% chance of rain. This should have given me an idea of what was to come. We woke up early this morning and headed over to their current house. There were some very ominous clouds but we decided to persevere. At first it seemed as if everything would go as planned. We packed up mine and Jenny's car and were off to the drop off location. Once we arrived we unloaded both cars and called the husbands for an update. Jenny's husband had reluctantly decided to get a trailer. When we returned back to their current residence her husband and father in law were returning with the trailer. It was then that my moment started. They began the trek up the back hill in a heavy duty 4x4 truck with trailer in tow. The sound I heard next was one in which I never want to hear again. It was the sound of truck tires spinning. Taking beautiful grass and turning into a mud bog that would make any redneck call into work and spend the day on the four wheeler. It was then I realized that we were in for either some high quality entertainment or a big muddy mess. We found ourselves in the latter. We tried plywood which quickly turned into potentially deadly projectiles. Then we had the great idea to all pile in the back of the truck to try to increase traction. It was when I was squatted down in the back of this truck, all my closest friends around me, that I realized that the 8 hour drive was totally worth it. Needless to say it didn't work. We ended up calling AAA and letting them handle the muddy mess while we continued packing and moving. All in all the rest of the day was about the same. Wet and muddy. Now that everything is moved, my stomach is filled with authentic Greek food, Alabama won, and now I am sitting in a quiet house I think about how glad I am to have spent this weekend here. Next time Tyler and I move we will be calling on our friends and a typhoon. I mean it's only fair.

1 comment:

  1. Ok....get ready! Ya'll did so good that when Tom and I are ready to move, we are calling Mason's Movers. I'm adding to my am and pm prayers...NO RAIN WHEN WE MOVE!
