Wednesday, September 16, 2009

road rage

Okay I have been known to think a few dirty thoughts about other drivers when trying to negotiate my way through downtown Gainesville. I have even been known to give an ugly look to someone passing me when I am already going 10 miles over the speed limit on a two lane road. But what I heard today really takes the cake on road rage. My friend was driving to Bell. So if any of you know where Bell, Florida is you might rank it on the bottom of the list for possible road rage cases. I mean it is almost a daily occurrence to get stuck behind a tractor or some other type of farm equipment. Well back to the friend pulled out in front of a car while crossing an intersection. It was a complete accident, but I guess the guy she pulled out in front of did not see this as an accident. So this person instead of brushing it off with an ugly look or a few curse words decided that my friend and her two innocent children needed to hear about it. He turned around and began following my friend. He then sped past her and stopped in the middle of the road. Then this 30ish year old man started yelling at my friend out of the window profanities. Well if you know Bell you also know cell phone service is a rare commodity. So my friend desperately trying to call 911 can not get a call through. While she is frantically trying to call 911 he is still yelling, parked in the middle of the road, and won't let my friend go past. Inside of her car my friend's children are crying hysterically. Finally when this idiot realizes that my friend has sobbing children in the car and is trying to call 911 lets her pass. So crazy man in the white car if you are reading this I hope you realize the trauma you put two innocent children and one innocent woman through. What did you gain? What did you accomplish? All I can say is I hope you were late for work.

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