Thursday, October 1, 2009


It is getting dark earlier, the weather is growing cooler (by Florida standards), football is on every Saturday, and my fall decorations are out and filled with candy (well they were until I started eating it). Fall is finally upon us. It is my favorite season of the year. For some reason cooler weather makes me feel less stressed even though the list of things to do keeps getting longer.
Speaking of to do lists, I often find myself making list of things to do. I love lists. They make me feel more organized than I really am. When you see a person checking something off a list you really think...that girl has really got it pulled together. Lists seem to make my OCD settle down for a while, and allow me to tackle only one things at a time. So my new goal is wake up every morning and make a list of the items that need to be done that day while also keeping a list of things that need to be done in the month. This will accomplish one of two possible things. 1. I will become completely obsessed with list making and crossing things off my list. Kinda like My Name is Earl, but with a lot less of doing things for Karma. or 2. Drive me completely insane. I will be taking bets on what you think will happen.

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