Saturday, January 9, 2010

I have always been a people watcher. I like to observe and report. I guess you could call me Pall Blart: Mall Cop. Over the past few months I have been to many prime people watching locations. My favorites are Wal-Mart, Winn-Dixie, and New Orleans. From my "travels" I have developed a list of fashion trends I find most unusual or that I just generally don't like. Now if you are reading this and you personally subscribe to one of these fashion trends, please do not be offended. If it makes you happy, keep doing it...just know that you might end up on my blog.


1. Boots with the fur...Now I know many people wearing this first fashion distraction might think it is cool because of the song. I have never been one to find my fashion statements in popular music, but understand that some people find this "hip". I just don't see the need for boots with fur in central Florida. If you do choose to wear these, at least make sure the fur is still the original color.

2. Skinny leg jeans...I have always wondered if you wear these because you think you have skinny legs, or because you want your legs to look skinny. If I put on a pair of tight jeans could I call them skinny leg?

3. Sequins...These are akin to glitter...which I also hate. I don't understand putting sequins on t-shirts, or jean pockets. Shirts with sarcastic sayings and sequins are my least favorite. It is almost like you don't want people to know you are wearing a sarcastic shirt so you put sequins on to distract them. And I for sure don't want sequins drawing attention to my butt.

4. Cuffed pants (specifically on men)...If you buy pants that are the right length you don't have to roll them up, so why would you buy a pant that is the right length that looks like you rolled it up?

5. Bikinis...I actually have nothing wrong with bikinis. If I was about 200 pounds lighter I would totally be wearing one, but my problem came on a recent trip to Winn-Dixie. A 300 plus pound girl should not be allowed in Winn-Dixie with a bikini top that could potentially be worn as a bracelet. What happened to no shirt no service.

6. Socks and sandals...I have been known to occasionally sport this trend out to the mailbox, but in public is a whole different story. If you feet get cold wear closed toed shoes. If you want to wear sandals, man up and ditch the socks.

7. Banana clips...If you aren't going to an 80's theme party leave the banana clip at home.

8. Senior class shirt of '74...It is just time to let that one go. The wholes under the armpits and dirt around the collar should be a clue.

Like I said I am no expert on fashion and am not trying to offend anyone so if you enjoy these fashion statements do what makes you happy. And without these great trends what would be the point of leaving the house.

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