Sunday, January 24, 2010


I don't think it is a secret to anyone that sports is of no interest to me. I never played organized sports outside of a brief run on an 0 and 6 flag football team in college. In fact the only touchdown we made was because the girl running was too fat to wear the flags so she had tucked them in her shorts (it was not me, but easily could have been). I have always known the reasons I don't like sports. 1. They are usually played outside when it is hot and I hate to sweat 2. Uniforms that one must wear while playing sports are not very flattering to the plus size woman and 3. I have never been good at relying on others to complete tasks for me.
Not only have I never played sports, I never really watched them either. We would watch the occasional NASCAR race or go to a UAB game every now and then, but in my house sports was not an important Saturday afternoon activity. Now that I have married into a sports loving family I am trying to be a better wife by actually watching the game. Not to mention I do love wearing Alabama gear in Gator country. When this football season began I vowed that I would try to be more sport loving. Every Saturday (well almost every Saturday) I happily woke up and layered on the Crimson Tide gear. I actually enjoyed watching the games, and I think it made my husband happy, especially since I am the only other Alabama fan he knows within a 300 mile radius of here. Anyway, I had some good times this season. It also helped that Alabama won the national championship. I thought that would be the end of it. I thought I would be football free for months. But now I find myself staying up late to watch the end of the Saints/Vikings game BY CHOICE. I actually found myself pulling for a team. I was feeling anxious with every interception and punt return. What does this mean? Am I becoming a sports fan? Only time will tell...Luckily after the super bowl in two weeks I will have several months to work through these strange feelings...

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